Britanska kraljica Elizabetha preminula je u 97. godini u dvorcu Balmoral u Škotskoj. Kraljica Elizabetha je bila najduže na britanskom tronu i bila je najstariji monarh na svijetu.
U fotografijama: Život kraljice Elizabethe

Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, the daughter of the 14th Earl of Strathmore, the Duchess of York (R) holds in 1926 in London her firstborn, Princess Elizabeth under the loving gaze of her husband, the Duke of York. She was born on April 21, 1

Queen Elizabeth (2nd-L, future Queen Mother), her daughter Princess Elizabeth (4th-L, future Queen Elizabeth II), Queen Mary (C) , Princess Margaret (5th-L) and the King George VI (R), pose at the balcony of the Buckingham Palace, May 12, 1937, following his coronation.

In her first radio broadcast, 14-year-old Princess Elizabeth, right, said that England's children at home were full of cheerfulness and courage. She is shown with her younger sister, Princess Margaret Rose, before the broadcast, in London on Oct. 13, 1940.

Princess Elizabeth receives the hood of a Bachelor of Music from the Earl of Athlone, Chancellor of London University, at the University's Senate House in London, July 10, 1946.