U Beogradu skup u znak solidarnosti sa Dragičevićem. Transparent za Davida Dragičevića i Dženana Memića

Serbia - The gathering in solidarity with the family of David Dragicevic, entitled "The Heart for David - Belgrade near Banja Luka", began on the plateau outside the Faculty of Philosophy in downtown Belgrade. 26. December 2018

Skup u znak solidarnosti sa porodicom Davida Dragičevića, pod nazivom “Srce za Davida - Beograd uz Banja Luku”, počeo je na platou ispred Filozofskog fakulteta u centru Beograda.

Na okupljanje je pozvala organizacija “Ne davimo Beograd”, povodom hapšenja oca i majke Davida Dragičevića jučer u Banjoj Luci.

Serbia - The gathering in solidarity with the family of David Dragicevic, entitled "The Heart for David - Belgrade near Banja Luka", began on the plateau outside the Faculty of Philosophy in downtown Belgrade. 26. December 2018