Fotografije dana

Double amputee dog Cora Rose balances on her hind legs to watch Zach Skow repairing her cart on a street in Washington, D.C.

A worker sets up one of hundreds of Ludwig van Beethoven plastic sculptures designed by German conceptual artist Ottmar Hoerl to mark the 250th birth anniversary of the German composer, in Bonn.

A junk boat sails in to dock in the central district of Hong Kong.

Doormen dressed in floral patterned suits stand on duty outside of a private club with it's front covered in flowers in London.

Israeli soldiers extinguish a fire on the Israeli side of the border between Israel and Gaza.

Clergymen carry the coffin of former Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir to the Maronite Church, in the village of Bkirki, north of Beirut, Lebanon.

A satellite image of Leliani Estates is shown one year after the 2018 volcanic eruptions, on the Big Island of Hawaii.

A northern gannet looks into the camera on the North Sea island Helgoland, Germany.

A police officer speaks on two walkie talkies as demonstrators gather to protest plans to construct a cathedral in a park in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

People work at the Maras salt-evaporation ponds, 48 km northeast of Cusco, Peru. Salt pools are one of the tourist attractions in the Cusco area.