11. septembar 2001. - Napad na tornjeve Svjetskog trgovačkog centra
(FILE) The twin towers of the World Trade Center billow smoke after hijacked airliners crashed into them early 11 September, 2001. The suspected terrorist attack has caused the collapsed of both towers. AFP PHOTO/Henny Ray ABRAMS (Photo by HENNY RAY ABRAMS / AFP)
(FILE) The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses sending dust and smoke into the streets 11 September, 2001, in New York. Two planes crashed into the towers which later collapsed. AFP PHOTO/Aaron MILESTONE (Photo by AARON MILESTONE / AFP)
(FILE) Police and pedestrians run for cover during the first collapse of the World Trade Center Tower after the landmark skyscrapers were struck by two hijacked airplanes 11 September 2001 in New York . AFP PHOTO/Doug KANTER (Photo by DOUG KANTER / AFP)
(FILE) Pedestrians run from the scene as one of the World Trade Center Towers collapses 11 September, 2001 in New York following a terrorist plane crash on the twin towers. AFP PHOTO Doug KANTER (Photo by DOUG KANTER / AFP)
(FILE) Early morning light falls on the the debris and smoke of the World Trade Center twin towers collapse early 12 September, 2001 in New York City. Rescue efforts at the site are underway. Both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed after hijacked airliners collided with them 11 September. AFP PHOTO/Marcos TOWNSEND (Photo by MARCOS TOWNSEND / AFP)
(FILE)Rescue workers survey damage to the World Trade Center 11 September, 2001 in New York. Two planes controlled by hijackers crashed into the twin towers of the center destroying the buildings. At almost the same time, another hijacked plane flew into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. AFP PHOTO Doug KANTER (Photo by DOUG KANTER / AFP)
(FILE)Firemen walk amid the smouldering rubble of the World Trade Center following a terrorist attack 11 September 2001 in New York. A hijacked plane crashed into and destroyed the landmark structure. AFP PHOTO/Alexandre Fuchs (Photo by ALEXANDRE FUCHS / AFP)
(FILE) An ambulance, covered with debris, is on fire after the collapse of the first World Trade Center Tower 11 September, 2001 in New York. Two hijacked passenger planes were crashed against the twin towers causing the collapsed of both buildings. AFP PHOTO Doug KANTER (Photo by DOUG KANTER / AFP)